*大会期間中の交通案内/Hakuba Jump Stadium Access*


駐車場からは「八方尾根スキー場 名木山」行きの無料シャトルバスが2〜3台随時ピストンで出ます。

Rental/Personal Car:Please park in Happo surrounding car parks, or in the extra competition car park at Matsukawa River, next to Kurashita Onsen, see map below. A free shuttle will be on loop from this car park to the Happo Nakiyama ski slopes, just 5 minutes walk from the jump stadium. Car park spaces around the Jump Stadium are severely restricted due to the competition cross country course.


Public Transport:Please get off at Happo Bus Terminal and walk towards the Hakuba Jump Stadium (approximately 15 minutes walk).

「八方尾根スキー場 名木山」下車後、白馬ジャンプ競技場方向に向かってください。(徒歩5分)

Hakuba Valley Bus:Please get off at Happo Nakiyama ski slopes, and walk towards Hakuba Jump Stadium (approximately 5 minutes walk). Holders of the Hakuba Valley Shuttle may ride this service for free. Other passengers may ride for 500 yen per adult and 250 yen per child.

